Always Health

Uninformed patients cost your practice time and money

It is impossible for patients to have good outcomes if they don't understand their condition.

Always Health can help.

Quantifying the cost of uninformed patients

Cancellations/no shows

Uninformed patients are more likely to cancel or not show up for surgery

Cancellations/no shows

Uninformed patients are more likely to cancel or not show up for surgery


After a visit, medical information is immediately forgotten


After a visit, medical information is immediately forgotten

Bad experience

Uninformed patients have low average satisfaction

Bad experience

Uninformed patients have low average satisfaction

Our Solution

A visual, personal and curated app benefitting both the doctor and patient

Using proprietary technology developed at the Stanford School of Medicine, Always Health helps patients quickly understand complex topics. How?

  • Visual imagery increases attention, comprehension, recall and adherence. (source: NIH). Arming doctors with visualization tools helps patients learn 3x faster.

  • Personalized content designed specifically for the patient and relevant to their own healthcare needs, motivates patients 800% better than standardized paper handouts.

  • Curated material, developed by a patient's own doctor, is shareable with members of their care team. Patients have access to their doctor's unique instructions when they need it, reducing medical misinformation.

Clinically Proven Results

The power of our platform has been been documented in multiple studies

of patients are more likely to engage
with their medical treatment plan

of patients report increased

of the patients report an increase in

Developed in partnership with

Always Health
Always Health
Always Health